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Sea Ice Concentrations

Data Description

Daily maps of sea ice concentrations using the enhanced NASA Team (NT2) algorithm derived using SSM/I data. Reference: Markus, T. and D.J. Cavalieri, An enhancement of the NASA Team sea ice algorithm, IEEE Trans. Geoscience Remote Sensing, 38, 1387-1398, 2000.

Data Format

files are HYYYY/hYYYYDDD.nt2.hig, where:

H,h = hemisphere, N or S
YYYY = year
DDD = day of year

integer arrays, big endian (no byteswapping for mac OSX or unix)
northern hemisphere are 304 x 448
southern hemisphere are 316 x 332

Values are: 

0 - open water
1-100 - ice concentration in percent
117 - land mask
130 - missing data

Thorsten Markus,, 301-614-5882
Don Cavalieri,, 301-614-5901
Jeff Miller,, 301-614-6611

Data Files

Attachment Size
Ice Concentrations Data File 229.88 MB