Biospheric Sciences Laboratory studies terrestrial ecosystems and their interactions with the atmosphere using multiscale remote sensing, modeling, and advanced analytical techniques. Specifically:
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The Biospheric Sciences Laboratory studies terrestrial ecosystems and their interactions with the atmosphere using multi-scale remote sensing, modeling, and advanced analytical techniques. Specific areas of interest include:
EcoSAR is an advanced airborne polarimetric and interferometric P-band (435 MHz) SAR instrument in development at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center through the 2010 ESTO Instrument Incubator Program (IIP). The aim of EcoSAR is to provide two- and three dimensional fine scale measurements of terrestrial ecosystem structure and biomass.
G-LiHT enables data fusion studies by providing coincident data in time and space, and provides fine-scale (1 m) observations over large areas that are needed in many ecosystem studies.