Media Day Visitors from Gabonese Universities and research organisations looking at LVIS through window installed in the bottom of the B-200 aircraft. Laura Duncanson (618 Postdoctoral Fellow) doing Rainforest Field work in Mondah Forest, Gabon. The NASA UAVSAR Crew in front of the C-20A research aircraft from NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. The C-20A is one of two research aircrafts used during the AfriSAR campaign in Gabon. The radar flies 40,000 feet high mounted beneath the C-20A aircraft. A giant Moabi tree crown over 30 meters in diameter at the Lopé National Park in central Gabon. The picture is taken by the AfriSAR rainforest team (Laura Duncanson/GSFC 618), who collects data on the ground to verify the observations made by the research aircrafts. Cut tree trunks at the Lopé National Park in central Gabon. This photo was taken by the AfriSAR Rainforest Team (Victoria Meyer/Caltech-JPL). Group photo of NASA, AGEOS and DLR teams in front of the DLR Dornier aircraft on Media Day. Giant African Millipede Archispirostreptus. Left to right: Viannet (ANPN Ecoguard for the Pongara National Park) Marc Simard (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Lola Fatoyinbo (Goddard Space Flight Center). In the back: Walley, boat pilot. Lola Fatoyinbo and Marc Simard entering data after mangrove field work in Pongara National Park. The AfriSAR mangrove team collected field measurements of forest canopy height and installed tidal gages to compare the measurements taken from LVIS and UAVSAR to measurements on the ground. Laura Duncanson in Pongara National Park mangrove forest (Goddard Space Flight Center). Suzanne Marselis (University of Maryland) getting GPS point in Pongara National Park Mangrove Forest. Bryan Blair (GSFC), Matt Brame (LaRC) and and David Rabine (GSFC) on the B-200 aircraft working on the Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS). Michelle Hofton, Bryan Blair and David Rabine from the LVIS team cooling off under the B-200 wing. Lola Fatoyinbo and Marc Simard (JPL) installing tidal gages in the Gabon Estuary mangrove channels. These tidal gages will measure water levels for the next 6 months. These measurements will allow the investigators to compare remotely sensed estimates of water levels with actual water levels. Marc Simard (JPL) measuring canopy height in Pongara National Park. Also shown: Suzanne Marselis (JPL) and Lola Fatoyinbo (GSFC) The AfriSAR Mangrove team in Pongara National park after a day of field work. From left to right: Suzanne MArselis/ UMD, Laura Duncanson/GSFC, Lola Fatoyinbo/GSFC, Marc Simard/JPL Mangrove Forest in Pongara National Park. The trees measured in this area had canopy heights over 45 m. White heron stanging infront of mangrove prop roots. The Langley Research Center's (LaRC) B-200 aircraft. The LVIS instrument flew onboard the LaRC B-200 during the AfriSAR campaign. LVIS team members Bryan Blair (GSFC), Michelle Hofton (UMD) and David Rabine (GSFC) with Lead Pilot Richard Yasky in front of the LaRC B-200 airplane. AfriSAR Rainforest Team and ANPN (Agence Nationale des Parcs Nationaux du Gabon) looking at the entrance signs at the Raponda Walker. Arboretum/Mondah Forest. Rainforest Understory in Mondah Forest, Gabon. Forest Canopy in Mondah Forest, Gabon. The AFriSAR rainforest team. From right to left: Sassan Saatchi (JPL), Victoria Meyer (JPL/CalTech), Laura Duncanson (GSFC), Suzanne Marselis (UMD), 3 ANPN Ecoguards, Leandre ANPN Research Assistant Laura Duncanson and Sassan Saatchi comparing forest canopy height measurements for a very tall tree in Mondah Forest, Gabon. Part of the AfriSAR team in front of the NASA LaRC B-200 aircraft. Two highschool students sitting in the NASA C-20 cockpit on Media Day. Previous Next