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Dr. Arthur F (Fritz) Hasler: Ph.D. Meteorology University of Wisconsin Madison. He is an Emer itus Research Meteorologist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. He was also a senior sci entist at National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder CO and the Laborotiore de Meteo rolgie Dynamiqe in Paris. He is now an Adjunct Professor at the University of Utah, Adams Sta te University and Viterbo University. He is the author of three graduate level on-line course s on Earth Observations from Space and Global Warming. He has 45 peer reviewed scientific pap ers. He has also done extensive work involving visualization for scientific analysis and publ ic outreach. He is famous for visualizations on ABC, NBC, CBS, CBC, THE WEATHER CHANNEL, NATI ONAL GEOGRAPHIC & French TV, as well as on the covers of National Geographic, TIME, Popular S cience, Newsweek, Der Spiegel, the Weekly Reader, and in the TIME/LIFE Collection of Great Ph otographs of the 20th Century. He developed the NASA/NOAA Earth Science (E)lectronic Theater and has taken it on tour across the US, Europe, South Africa, Australia/New Zealand, SE Asia, and Japan. Dr. Hasler has received numerous honors and awards including the NASA/GSFC Except ional Scientific Achievement Medal, NASA Exceptional Service Medal, Excellence in Outreach Aw ard, and the AIAA Barry Goldwater Award for public outreach. In retirement he holds the title of NASA Emeritus Research Scientist. Since 2007 he has worked as a PSI L2 Certified Alpine S ki Instructor at Brighton Ski Resort in Utah.