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Goddard Senior Fellow, NASA GSFC
Dr. Anne Thompson’s research interests include investigations of tropospheric chemical and dynamical processes, from air-sea gas exchange to interactions with the lower stratosphere. Her work in the 1980s and early 1990s was among the first to link chemical changes, climate forcings and the earth’s oxidizing capacity. Trends of atmospheric ozone and the interaction of natural variability and human influence (biomass fires, urban pollution) are ongoing themes of research that employs satellite data from a variety of atmospheric and land-surface sensors. A veteran of a dozens of NASA aircraft missions, ground-based campaigns and oceanographic cruises, Dr. Thompson was Co-Mission Scientist for SONEX (1997) and is PI for the SHADOZ (Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes) tropical validation network. She is a PI on NASA’s Air Quality Applied Sciences (AQAST) Team, SEAC4RS and DISCOVER-AQ, and a Co-I on the NSF DANCE project to measure reactive nitrogen off coastal DelMarVa. A member of Goddard’s Laboratory for Atmosphere for 20 years, Dr. Thompson was a Professor of Meteorology at Pennsylvania State University for eight years before re-joining GSFC in 2013. Community contributions have included membership on AMS and AGU Councils and past President of the International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Atmospheric Chemistry and the AGU Atmospheric Sciences Section. Among awards she has received: Verner Suomi Award, American Meteorological Society (2012); Reginald & Muriel Noble Distinguished Lecturer, Physics Dept, University of Toronto (2011); Fulbright Scholar Award, South Africa (2010); Penn State Univ., College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Faculty Mentoring Award (2009); and UNEP/WMO Recognition Letter (for Nobel Peace Prize IPCC Contributions) (2007).