August 7th - 24, 2012 The seventh and final cruise for the project entitled "Impacts of Climate Variability on Primary Production and Carbon Distributions in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine" (CLiVEC) was carried out on board the R/V Henry Bigelow from August 7-24, 2012. CLiVEC is a joint research project with researchers from Old Dominion University (ODU) and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The overall objective of the project is to study the effects of inter-annual and decadal climate variability on primary production and carbon distributions using the results from these extensive field measurements as well as the satellite records available from the region. The Bigelow is a single-hulled research vessel that is 209 feet long (63.8m) and has a breadth of 49.2 ft (15m). It is stationed at the Newport naval base in Rhode Island and operated by NOAA. All previous CLiVEC cruises were carried out on the NOAA R/V Delaware II; however, this vessel has been decommissioned and was no longer available. Vessel: R/V Bigelow Location: Northeastern US Continental Margin Participants: Scott Freeman, Mike Novak, and Dirk Aurin PI: Jerry Prezioso Sunset observed from the flying bridge of the Bigelow All of the CLiVEC field sampling was done on cruises of opportunity made possible by NOAA through the Ecosystems Monitoring Program (EcoMon). EcoMon is an extension of the Marine Resources Monitoring Assessment and Prediction (MARMAP) project begun in 1978 to monitor the health of the fisheries in the northeast US continental margin. On all previous CLiVEC cruises, surface biogeochemical discrete samples were collected from the ship’s flow-through sea water system as well as at multiple depths collected from Niskin bottles deployed on a CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) rosette package maintained by NOAA. Fluorometric dissolved organic matter (FDOM) and beam transmission data were also measured continuously by plumbing instruments into the ships flow through system. Station locations for CLiVEC 7 cruise For this final cruise, three Ocean Ecology Laboratory personnel (Scott Freeman, Mike Novak, and Dirk Aurin) participated in order to deploy and compare two free-fall profiling optical radiometers manufactured by different companies to measure Apparent Optical Properties (AOP). An Inherent Optical Properties (IOP) package was also mounted on the CTD rosette and deployed at depths up to 150 meters. In addition, a barrel equipped with a CTD, a WET Labs ac-s, and an FDOM fluorometer was plumbed into the ships flow-through system to make continuous measurements. The instruments were plumbed in-line to avoid any lag time from the resident time of the water in the barrel. More detailed descriptions of these instruments are provided later in this report. Bigelow Crew Prepares the Rosette for the Sunset Station Staff sampled 53 rosette stations and 26 flow-through stations during the sixteen working days at sea. On average, three CTD rosette stations and two flow-through stations were sampled each day. AOP profiles were conducted before or after the CTD cast when there were no light or weather limitations. A fourth CTD cast was sampled on days with clear skies at times near satellite overpasses when time permitted it. (See Table 1 for an extensive list of discrete and instrumental measurements made at stations). Scott Freeman prepares to deploy Satlantic Hyperpro For oceanographic sampling, the R/V Bigelow was equipped with a SeaBird 9/11 Plus CTD instrument with recording system as well as a chlorophyll fluorescence meter, and an oxygen sensor (SBE 43). These were attached to a 12-bottle (10 liters each) rosette for the purpose of collecting water at pre-defined depths. The ship has a clean seawater flow through system equipped with a thermosalinograph (TSG) and pCO2 gas analyzer. A line from the system was plumbed directly into our flow-through instruments mounted on a rack inside the barrel. The barrel was filled with the exhaust water from the instruments to keep them at ambient temperature to avoid any fogging issues. Table 1: Discrete Samples Collected Parameter Number of samples collected HPLC Pigments 208 ap 208 Particulate Organic Carbon 529 aCDOM 144 Dissolved Organic Carbon 464 Suspended Particulate Matter 104 The following biogeochemical parameters were collected at every station (Table 1): HPLC Pigments Particulate Absorption (ap) Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) Absorption Due to Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (aCDOM) Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) Samples for each parameter were collected from the CTD rosette at the surface (~3-4m), the chlorophyll maximum, and just below the thermocline. In addition, water was collected near the bottom at stations that were deeper than 90 meters for CDOM, DOC, and POC. Dirk Aurin, CJ Stark, and Christian Kernisan Process Discrete Samples in the Chemistry Web Lab For in-water optics, staff measured the absorption, attenuation, and backscattering of particles in the water. The IOP package installed on the CTD rosette consisted of a WET Labs ac-s, dh-4, and bb-9. The ac-s measures absorption and attenuation (and total scattering by difference) at ~ 80 wavelengths between 400 and 740 nm, while the bb-9 measures backscatter at 9 wavelengths and 117°. The dh-4 provides power and stores data collected by the other instruments. Downwelling irradiance (Ed) was measured using a Satlantic OCR-7 radiometer mounted to the top of the rosette package, and a Seabird 49 provided pressure, temperature, and conductivity measurements. The system was battery-powered, with files offloaded between casts. Because of the depth limitations of the battery pack (150 m), there were two stations where IOP data was not collected. Two hand-deployed radiometer packages were also employed. The Satlantic HyperPro system measures Es (surface downwelling irradiance; separate instrument from the profiler), Ed, and Lu(upwelling radiance) at ~135 wavelengths between 350 and 800 nm. The Biospherical C-OPS measures the same parameters at 19 wavelengths between 300 and 900 nm. From these measurements, water leaving radiance (Lw) and remote-sensing reflectance (RRS) can be calculated. A multi-cast method was used for deploying the radiometers. At most stations, one deep cast and two 10m casts were made. Time constraints prevented the staff from using both sets of radiometers each day, as had been planned. However, near the end of the cruise both were used for four stations. At other stations, the Satlantic HyperPro system was used, as it was easier to deploy quickly, and there were a few stations for which the weather conditions did not permit data collection. In total, 46 stations had HyperPro data collected, while five stations had C-OPS data collected. Table 2 Station Information. The numbers in the last three columns are file names. Station Day GMT Bottom Depth Lat Long % Cloud IOPs (a, c, bb) Hyperpro (Ed, Lu, Es) C-Ops (Ed, Lu, Es) 2 8/7 2259 38 41.089 -71.042 80 archive.043 2240 8 8/8 1126 69.8 40.534 -71.366 80 archive.046 1212 10 8/8 1656 83 40.372 -71.669 100 archive.050 1717 10.1 8/8 2009 76.2 40.067 -72.192 11 8/8 2252 58.8 39.917 -72.619 100 archive.051 2222 19 8/9 1121 99.1 39.093 -72.846 30 archive.052 1141 21 8/9 1435 39.376 -73.219 23 8/9 1633 50.3 39.359 -73.457 35 archive.053 1551 24 8/9 1804 56 39.097 -73.496 26 8/9 2301 115 38.718 -73.185 40 archive.054 2229 31 8/10 1146 54.9 37.848 -74.576 100 archive.055 1206 32 8/10 1414 37.496 -74.657 34 8/10 1711 32.4 37.461 -75.098 100 archive.056 34.1 8/10 1958 40.4 36.993 -75.171 35 8/10 2259 31.7 36.531 -75.235 100 archive.057 40 8/11 1118 77.6 35.999 -74.921 100 archive.058 42 8/11 1424 34 35.805 -75.309 44 8/11 1722 23 35.985 -75.520 100 archive.059 44.1 8/11 1932 28.2 36.406 -75.461 45 8/11 2236 24.6 36.810 -75.370 90 archive.060 2156 52 8/12 1143 40.4 38.327 -74.615 40 archive.061 1158 53 8/12 1355 46.5 38.473 -74.377 54 8/12 1703 22 38.822 -74.742 20 archive.062 1641 54.1 8/12 1945 29.6 39.033 -74.317 55 8/12 2231 22.1 39.433 -74.077 50 archive.063 2208 62 8/13 1127 23 40.577 -73.198 0 archive.064 1149 63 8/13 1344 34.8 40.629 -72.776 64 8/13 1731 34.4 40.876 -72.155 5 archive.065 1702 65 8/13 1924 49.3 40.876 -72.155 20 archive.066 1846 67 8/13 2239 63.1 40.605 -71.782 20 archive.067 2206 71 8/14 1123 141.6 40.043 -70.603 0 archive.068 1144 71.1 8/14 1433 187.9 40.016 -70.140 72 8/14 1915 228.1 39.932 -69.508 10 archive.069 1750 1806 73 8/14 2322 82.6 40.320 -69.822 10 archive.070 2253 79 8/15 1201 83 40.647 -69.105 10 archive.071 1216 80 8/15 1408 40.607 -69.884 81 8/15 1628 64.8 40.682 -68.768 10 archive.072 1557 82 8/15 1830 59 40.782 -68.287 83 8/15 2218 89.6 40.635 -67.944 50 archive.073 2139 89 8/16 1157 49.5 41.049 -67.119 80 archive.074 1209 90 8/16 1421 66.1 40.930 -67.710 91 8/16 1639 72.1 40.867 -67.659 10 archive.075 1605 95 8/16 2231 46.3 41.178 -67.766 0 archive.076 2151 104 8/17 1120 94.6 41.517 -66.201 0 archive.077 1137 105 8/17 1414 470 41.605 -65.889 106 8/17 1804 2014.6 41.756 -65.437 80 archive.078 1657 107 8/17 2258 228.4 42.226 -65.779 10 2206 113 8/18 1116 67.8 41.964 -66.798 100 archive.079 115 8/18 1427 66.4 42.094 -67.397 116 8/18 1649 68.7 42.019 -67.667 70 archive.080 1610 117 8/18 1825 42.4 41.735 -67.602 119 8/18 2317 41.1 41.561 -68.226 archive.081 124 8/19 1132 203.6 42.331 -68.776 100 archive.082 1146 125 8/19 1410 204 42.340 -68.287 126 8/19 1717 194 42.684 -68.286 90 archive.083 1638 127 8/19 2215 326.4 42.490 -67.374 100 archive.084 2134 132 8/20 2215 129.9 43.029 -66.344 100 archive.085 1204 133 8/20 1400 68.8 43.298 -66.538 134 8/20 1629 232.2 43.402 -67.074 90 archive.086 1610 134.1 8/20 1914 189.4 43.621 -67.175 135 8/20 2200 181.4 43.789 -67.244 90 archive.087 2103 141 8/21 1252 248.2 43.397 -67.688 50 archive.088 1215 141.1 8/21 1408 236 43.256 -67.684 142 8/21 1740 171.2 43.036 -67.690 30 archive.091 1545 143 8/21 1847 43.072 -67.938 144 8/21 2158 209.7 43.056 -68.364 10 archive.092 2110 148 8/22 1216 170.5 43.578 -69.306 5 archive.093 1231 149 8/22 1430 135.9 43.518 -69.710 150 8/22 1806 183.7 43.159 -69.847 15 archive.094 1703 1720 151 8/22 2008 164.8 43.114 -69.114 30 archive.095 1916 1930 152 8/22 2257 104.6 43.001 -70.418 15 archive.096 2224 158 8/23 1118 35.6 42.314 -70.277 10 archive.097 1142 160 8/23 1357 87 42.419 -70.618 161 8/23 1719 32.8 42.418 -70.855 20 archive.098 1610 1651 162 8/23 1934 80.1 42.465 -70.643 20 archive.099 1856 1831 163 8/23 2244 102.8 42.538 -70.429 10 archive.100 2208