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I3RC Publicly available 3D radiative transfer codes


To include additional resources, please send a message to Tamás Várnai.


I3RC model

The I3RC Monte Carlo community model of 3D radiative transfer can calculate the spatial distribution or scene-average of radiances, radiative fluxes, and radiative heating rates. It is suitable for monochromatic calculations at UV, visible, and near-infrared wavelengths. The current version (released in March 2009) includes software tools to generate required inputs such as cloud droplet scattering properties. 

About the source code

The International Comparison of 3-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Codes (I3RC) project has sponsored the development of a community Monte Carlo code that simulates 3D solar radiative transfer through the atmosphere. The code can calculate radiative fluxes and radiances (for any view direction) at the top or at the bottom of the domain, and radiative heating rates throughout the domain. It can provide both scene average values and complete fields. The code is available free of charge and users are most welcome to extend the code for other types of calculations.

Here you will find the revision 31 release of the code dated June 2010. Changes since the Bramley release (July 2006) include explicit licensing under the GNU General Public License; new variance reduction methods for intensity calculations; parallel-capable drivers where MPI is available, and support for surface bidirectional reflectance functions. The performance of this code is documented in Pincus, R., and K. F. Evans, 2009: Computational cost and accuracy in calculating three-dimensional radiative transfer: Results for new implementations of Monte Carlo and SHDOM. J. Atmos. Sci., 66, 3131-3146.

The code is written in ANSI standard Fortran 95 and has been tested on a range of platforms, though it is rather hard on compilers.

To obtain the code, please fill out the form below and email it to Tamás Várnai.
(We will use the information you provide only for keeping track of model usage and for notifying users of important updates to the code.)

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Other versions of the I3RC code

IMC-emission: An extended version of the I3RC Monte Carlo community model that can consider thermal emission in monochromatic 3D radiative transfer simulations.

MCBRaT3D: An extended version of the I3RC Monte Carlo community model that can perform 3D broadband solar radiative transfer simulations.


Other models

ARTS package: Monte Carlo component includes 3D spherical geometry, which is important for limb sounding, and polarized RT, which may be important for mm, sub-mm cirrus observations. The model is suitable only when the solar contribution can be safely neglected, that is, for microwave and infrared radiation.

GRIMALDI: 3D Monte Carlo codes for visible, infrared, and microwave radiation. The site also features codes for calculating ice crystal single scattering properties.

htrdr: Monte Carlo package for 3D simulations of longwave and shortwave radiative transfer in cloudy atmospheres, including spectrally and geometrically complex surfaces. The simulations can create radiance images (including colors) or flux density maps.

MCARaTS: 3D radiative transfer model based on forward-propagating Monte Carlo photon transport algorithm.

SHDOM: Spherical Harmonic Discrete Ordinate Model to compute polarized monochromatic or spectral band radiative transfer in a one, two, or three-dimensional medium for either collimated solar and/or thermal emission sources of radiation.

TenStream solver. This code calculates 3D radiative heating rates for cloud resolving models. See this paper for details.