NASA’s Operation IceBridge images Earth’s polar ice in unprecedented detail to better understand processes that connect the polar regions with the global climate system. IceBridge utilizes a highly specialized fleet of research aircraft and the most sophisticated suite of innovative science instruments ever assembled to characterize annual changes in thickness of sea ice, glaciers, and ice sheets. In addition, IceBridge collects critical data used to predict the response of earth’s polar ice to climate and resulting sea-level rise. IceBridge also helps bridge the gap in polar observations between NASA’s ICESat satellite missions. See the following websites for more Operation IceBridge information: NASA GSFC Operation IceBridge mission page NASA HQ Operation IceBridge mission overview page The NASA P-3 on the ramp in Thule, Greenland in 2013.Credit: Michael Studinger The NASA DC-8 on the ramp in Punta Arenas, Chile in 2012.Credit: Jeremy Harbeck Completed Ice Bridge Flights