Three modeling systems (GCE, WRF, and MMF) described in the "Models" section have been used in many different experiments, and produced a large number of simulated cloud data sets during the past decade. Some of simulated data sets have been archived in the Cloud Library, which is accesible to public users for model evaluation, development of large-scale cloud parameterization (microphysics, subgrid cloud distributions, overlapping, convection, downdraft), or studying remote sensing singnals through instrumental simulators.
All database are archived in NetCDF format, which describes parameters, units, dimensions, and time. The data volume for each instanteneous simulated unit data set mainly includes 12 atmospheric 3-D parameters (temperature, water vapor, horizontal and vertical velocity, pressure, long-wave and short-wave radiation rates, and five different cloud species, cloud water, rain, cloud ice, snow and graupel, and not limited) and various 2-D parameters (surface rain rate, skin temperature, near-surface wind speed, land characterisics, elevation). Generally, GCE is idealized CRM so that it contains 3D atmospheric parameters and homegeneous surface character, WRF is mesoscale weather model with output of 3D atmospheric parameters and more complete sets of land surface characteristics, MMF contains the GEOS atmospheric/land parameters and 2D GCE atmospehric parametre
The viewgraphs listed below show some examples from these modeling systems. If you are interested in using these data sets, click on "Access Protocol", it will take you to the cloud library dataportal.