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GMI Simulations MERRA



The Hindcast MERRA Family of simulations 

All MERRA simulations are integrated at 2o latitude x2.5o longitude x 72 levels (surface-0.01 hPa) unless otherwise stated. Many of these used the Michael Prather ad hoc fix of JNO= 0.6 to resolve low NOx in the upper stratosphere. When we went to higher spatial resolution (1ox1.25o) the low NOx problem improved. Later, Luke Oman identified a problem with the FASTJX implementation (off by half a vertical level!), further improving our low NOx and a low tropical O3 problem. Hindcast MERRA2 simulations do not use this ad hoc adjustment. 

D223 If the JNO value matters to the user, it is recommended that you look in the resource file to verify the JNO setting. 


All the Hindcast MERRA chemistry simulations found and can be downloaded by starting with the Parent Directory: Index of /datashare/dirac/gmidata2/users/mrdamon/Hindcast-Family (

All Hindcast MERRA Tracer simulations are here: Index of /datashare/dirac/gmidata2/users/steenrod/tracers (


HindcastFFIgac2 (2 degree) MERRA-1

 Emissions - 

FF_emissions: varies yearly

BF_emissions: varies yearly

BB_emissions: varies yearly

SAD - Instead of using Y2000 Considine strat aerosols for every year, we used interannually varying for the entire length of the run. We used the new Igac aerosols, aka "IGAC v2 SAD"


Code tag information -

HindcastFFIgac2, all years: ssFixAddressErrorFastJ

Has the fix for the FastJX aerosol input. It's stratospheric O3 is essentially identical to 'minor bug'. Does not have aero/fastjx bug!


HindcastFFIgac2-HighRes (1 degree) MERRA1 1990-present day

This simulation improves its representation of stratospheric ozone and its depletion. We had a low O3 bias in the tropical source region (nearly 1 ppm) and this was impacting our simulation of polar O3. We have tested some changes to the chemistry that are aimed at improving both the low bias and the rate of Antarctic depletion. New stations for NDACC instrument teams have been added. 


Hindcast3Igac2 MERRA-1

Emissions - 

FF_emissions: held at year 2000

BF_emissions: held at year 2000

BB_emissions: held at year 2000



Instead of using Y2000 Considine strat aerosols for every year, we used interannually varying for the entire length of the run. We used the new Igac aerosols, aka "IGAC v2 SAD"


Code tag information -

Hindcast3Igac2, all years: ssFixAddressErrorFastJ

Has the fix for the FastJX aerosol input. It's stratospheric O3 is essentially identical to 'minor bug'. Does not have aero/fastjx bug!


Hindcast_CCMI MERRA-1

Emissions - 

FF_emissions: vary yearly and monthly

BF_emissions: vary yearly and monthly

BB_emissions: vary yearly and monthly


SAD - Interannually varying for the entire length of the run. We use the new Igac aerosols, aka "IGAC v2 SAD"

Surface Boundary Conditions -

Includes recommendations from CCMI for the Ref-C1 and Ref-C1SD simulations. See README file for more information.

Code tag information -

Has the fix for the FastJX aerosol input. Stratospheric O3 is essentially identical to 'minor bug'. Does not have aero/fastjx bug! 


Hindcast MERRA-1

Emissions -

FF_emissions: same each year

BF_emissions: same each year

BB_emissions: varies yearly


Code tag information -

Hindcast, 90-96: stationDataOnAllLevels

Hindcast, 99-01: deallocateFixLandWater

Minor bug: sea salt bins missing. Shows negligible chemical changes - <<1% in anything. 

Hindcast, 02-12 & 93-94 re-run: jkTrunk_with_Intel11_compiler-m02

The 'overflow' bug caused a decrease in strat O3 centered on 6 mb and 22N of roughly 25 ppb at the most. This is at most a 0.3% error. There were minor perturbations to tropospheric species but I really don't have any details on that.

Please see the README file for more information


HindcastFF MERRA-1

Emissions - 

FF_emissions: varies yearly

BF_emissions: varies yearly

BB_emissions: varies yearly


Code tag information -

HindcastFF, all years: jkTrunk_with_Intel11_compiler-m02

The 'overflow' bug caused a decrease in strat O3 centered on 6 mb and 22N of roughly 25 ppb at the most. This is at most a 0.3% error. There were minor perturbations to tropospheric species but I really don't have any details on that.  


Hindcast3 MERRA-1

Emissions - 

FF_emissions: held at year 2000

BF_emissions: held at year 2000

BB_emissions: held at year 2000


SAD inputs are year varying. IGAC SAD data starts in 2000.


Code tag information -

Hindcast3, all years: jkTrunk_with_Intel11_compiler-m02

The 'overflow' bug caused a decrease in strat O3 centered on 6 mb and 22N of roughly 25 ppb at the most. This is at most a 0.3% error. There were minor perturbations to tropospheric species but I really don't have any details on that.       


Hindcast3Igac MERRA-1

Emissions - 

FF_emissions: held at year 2000

BF_emissions: held at year 2000

BB_emissions: held at year 2000


SAD - Y2000 Considine strat aerosols for every year


Code tag information -

Hindcast3Igac, all years: jkTrunk_with_Intel11_compiler-m02

The 'overflow' bug caused a decrease in strat O3 centered on 6 mb and 22N of roughly 25 ppb at the most. This is at most a 0.3% error. There were minor perturbations to tropospheric species but I really don't have any details on that.


Please see the README file for more information