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GMI Simulations MERRA2



The HindcastMR2V2 Family of simulations 

These simulations use MERRA2 met fields and a range of updates to the chemical mechanism, emission inputs, boundary conditions, etc. used for HindcastMR2. The ‘baseline’ simulation is HindcastMR2V2 and there are ‘NoHet ‘spin-off’ simulations for quantifying polar ozone depletion. These are not available for all years – see HindcastMR2 for additional NoHet outputs.

All MERRA2 simulations are integrated at 1o latitude x 1o longitude x 72 levels (surface-0.01 hPa) unless otherwise stated.


Here’s where to download simulations:

HindcastMR2V2 & HindcastMR2 Tracer Runs: Index of /datashare/dirac/gmidata2/users/steenrod/tracers (


HindcastMR2V2 – 1980-present: Index of /datashare/dirac/gmidata2/users/mrdamon/Hindcast-Family/HindcastMR2V2 (

This is the ‘baseline’ Hindcast with MERRA2, full chemistry intended to represent atmospheric composition of this period. 

HindcastMR2V2-NoHet (2019-2020)Index of /datashare/dirac/gmidata2/users/mrdamon/Hindcast-Family/HindcastMR2V2-NoHet (

These runs (Antarctic) always begin on 1 May using initial conditions for the same year of the baseline run (HindcastMR2V2). All halogen heterogeneous chemical reaction rates are set to zero for May-Dec period. 

HindcastMR2V2-NoHetArctic (’96-’97, ’10-’11, ’15-’17,’19-’20)Index of /datashare/dirac/gmidata2/users/mrdamon/Hindcast-Family/HindcastMR2-NoHetArctic (

These runs (Arctic) always begin on 1 Oct using initial conditions for the same year of the baseline run (HindcastMR2V2). All halogen heterogeneous chemical reaction rates are set to zero. Generally these are 8-month simulations (Oct-May), but 2020 ran for a full year.
