LIAISE Science Target Area The Land surface Interactions with the Atmosphere over the Iberian Semi-arid Environment (LIAISE) project, led by Météo France and CNRS, was a field campaign that took place in Spain near Urgell and Plà d’Urgell (Lleida) region of the Ebro basin in July 2021. SLAP was flown on NASA Langley Research Center's King Air B-200 and provided L-band soil moisture observations with spatial resolution as fine as 100x200m. Nine science flights spanned changes in soil conditions that impact the planetary boundary layer (PBL), the focus of LIAISE. LIAISE SOP area, showing SLAP data coverage for low and medium altitude flight profiles. SLAP was flown on certain days during the special observation period (SOP) in one of two flight profiles: a low-altitude profile spanning the irrigated and non-irrigated areas, offering spatial resolution of as low as 100x200m footprints; and a medium-altitude profile that offered more spatial coverage as well as active sensing from the SLAP scatterometer, but with larger footprints of approximately 250x500m. Both flight plans overflew the two main LIAISE sites at La Cendrosa (irrigated) and Els Plans (non-irrigated), where ground truth and in-situ data were collected. The low-altitude flight lines were coincident with the area flown by the GLORI GNSS reflectometry sensor, and that area is referred to as the "GLORI box" in SLAP documentation. Additional sites just outside the GLORI box were also observed and are included in the data. Example soil moisture image from a low-altitude flight, covering the "GLORI box." Example soil moisture image from a medium-altitude flight. For more information about the results and methods, please reference "High-Resolution Soil Moisture—a European Airborne Campaign Using NASA Goddard’s Scanning L-Band Active Passive (SLAP)," published in the journal of Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences (DOI: 10.1007/s41976-023-00099-4) LIAISE Flight Listing and Data Download SLAP data products are available in MATLAB binary workspace variable files ("MAT") or comma-separated value tables ("CSV"). For more information about data fields and application notes, please reference: Level 1B L-band radiances: SLAP LIAISE L1B_TB_V09 Data Description and Change Log Level 2 passive soil moisture: SLAP LIAISE L2_SM_P_V02 Data Description and Change Log Date Name Flight Profile Nominal Footprint L1_TB L2_SM_P L1_S0 Notes 15 July 2021 SF01 Low altitude 100x200m CSV / MAT CSV / MAT – 16 July 2021 SF02 Medium altitude 250x500m CSV / MAT CSV / MAT CSV / MAT L1_S0 data products are in progress 17 July 2021 SF03 Low altitude 100x200m CSV / MAT CSV / MAT – 24 July 2021 SF04 Low altitude 100x200m CSV / MAT CSV / MAT – 24 July 2021 SF05 Low altitude 100x200m CSV / MAT CSV / MAT – 25 July 2021 SF06 Low altitude 100x200m CSV / MAT CSV / MAT – 27 July 2021 SF07 Low altitude 100x200m CSV / MAT CSV / MAT – 28 July 2021 SF08 Low altitude 100x200m CSV / MAT CSV / MAT – 29 July 2021 SF09 Medium altitude 250x500m CSV / MAT CSV / MAT CSV / MAT L1_S0 data products are in progress All SLAP data are available for download at the NASA GSFC SLAP Data Archive on Box Instruments Scanning L-Band Active Passive (SLAP)