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Field Campaigns

February 2017


Under the leadership of Dr. Edward Kim, the 2017 SnowEx airborne and field campaign was carried out in Colorado during February 6-24. For more information please visit

February 2017


Under the leadership of Dr. Edward Kim, the 2017 SnowEx airborne and field campaign was carried out in Colorado during February 6-24. For more information please visit

NASA’s Operation IceBridge images Earth’s polar ice in unprecedented detail to better understand processes that connect the polar regions with the global climate system. IceBridge utilizes a highly specialized fleet of research aircraft and the most sophisticated suite of innovative science instruments ever assembled to characterize annual changes in thickness of sea ice, glaciers, and ice sheets. In addition, IceBridge collects critical data used to predict the response of earth’s polar ice to climate and resulting sea-level rise. IceBridge also helps bridge the gap in polar observations between NASA’s ICESat satellite missions.

NASA’s Operation IceBridge images Earth’s polar ice in unprecedented detail to better understand processes that connect the polar regions with the global climate system. IceBridge utilizes a highly specialized fleet of research aircraft and the most sophisticated suite of innovative science instruments ever assembled to characterize annual changes in thickness of sea ice, glaciers, and ice sheets. In addition, IceBridge collects critical data used to predict the response of earth’s polar ice to climate and resulting sea-level rise. IceBridge also helps bridge the gap in polar observations between NASA’s ICESat satellite missions.

NASA Glenn pilot Kurt Blankenship
NASA Goddard SLAP Instrument Manager Albert Wu
NASA Goddard SLAP Lead Engineer Eugenia De Marco
NASA Langley Quality Engineer Carey Smith
NASA Langley Pilot Les Kagey
NASA Langley Crew Chief Scott Sims
NASA Langley Crew Matt Brame
NASA Goddard SLAP Principal Investigator Ed Kim

Goddard's SLAP on the NASA Langley King Air preparing to depart on the first flight of SLAPex freeze/thaw in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Ground soil moisture and vegetation sampling and aircraft active and passive L-band sensor measurements coincident with observatory passes over the Yanco region of Australia (380 miles west of Sydney). 

NASA cryospheric scientist Kelly Brunt and other members of the NASA Cryospheric Science Laboratory endure low temperatures, high winds and high altitude to conduct the 88-South Traverse: a 470-mile expedition in one of the most barren and remote landscapes on Earth, towards validation of the ICESat-2 satellite.