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CIRC Submit

How and what to submit:

Please e-mail your submissions to Lazaros Oreopoulos and provide, if applicable, a reference or short description of your model. Please create two files for each case one for SW and one for LW).  Each file should be given a filename clearly indicating the case number (it is best to follow the CIRC name convention with your institution name in place of lblrtm orcharts) and should contain the broadband irradiances in (Wm-2) at the atmospheric column boundary, again clearly identified (for SW we request downwelling flux at the surface, total and direct, upwelling flux at the surface, and upwelling flux at TOA; for LW we request downwelling flux at the surface and upwelling flux at TOA), followed by heating rate profiles (in K/day) resolved at the same vertical resolution as the provided atmospheric profiles and following the convention in the LW_lblrtm_bb_caseX.txt reference files. If possible, please provide the true direct flux at the surface, i.e., without contributions of scattered radiation along the direction of the solar beam; if this is not possible please elaborate how you partition total radiation into direct and diffuse. Please do not send any spectral results, only broadband flux and heating rate output (both SW and LW) from your models is requested.

Optional submissions:

In order to run the CIRC cases we provide input formation that is typically not available in within an operational GCM environment, for example, spectral surface albedo. It is also possible, on the other side, that we may also not be providing input information that some models use, e.g.,  a cloud inhomogeneity scaling factor, or separate albedos for the ground and an overlying vegetation canopy. While we would like the submissions to primarily come from runs where the model uses as much of the information we provide as possible, something that may require small modifications to the RT algorithms that change operational settings, we would also like to receive submissions where the algorithms operate with assumptions and input that more closely resemble routine operational conditions. For example, you may choose to use an incident solar irradiance that corresponds to the total solar irradiance value of your host GCM instead of the value we provide; or you may choose not to deactivate any parameterizations of LW scattering even though there is no scattering in the reference calculations. Please identify these optional submissions as such, and provide as much information as possible about differences with your primary submissions. The guidelines above on what to include in each submission file still apply.

For questions on submitting the results of your runs please contact Lazaros Oreopoulos.